Your partner in
the digital arena

Astral Digital is the partner of choice for many of the Health Care Providers, SMEs, and technology-challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom website development, digital marketing, software development, product design, QA, and consultancy services.

We can help promote and maintain your Social Media Presence, Brand Identity, and provide a solution to internet-specific issues a business may face.

// Experience. Execution. Excellence.

What is our strategy?

They say there is a procedure for everything, and we totally believe it!

You let us help with the clarity of goal before going for Social Media (Digital Marketing) in the 1st phase. Understanding the market and competition is the next step. We analyze your audience’s preferences and patterns of adoption. Later, we consult you for the recommended interventions along with media and channel selection. And that’s how you get the perfect solution…

// our services

Our Leadership Team

We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development,
product design, QA and consultancy services.

Adnan Sadiq

Co-founder Of Company

Tayyab Mian

Co-founder Of Company/CEO

Sohail Akram

Co-founder Of Company

Fayyaz Bajwa

Co-founder Of Company